1. President Biden plans a federal pay raise in 2024, effective January

Biden's Boost:



White Lightning

2.The 5.2% increase includes a 4.7% across-the-board raise and a 0.5% locality pay adjustment for most General Schedule employees.

Orange Lightning

3.Despite the raise, federal workers still face a 27.54% wage gap compared to the private sector.

Wage Gap Woes:

4.The wage gap has persisted above 20% since 2007, with FEPCA, enacted in 1990, yet to be fully implemented.

White Lightning

Wage Gap Woes:

Wage Gap Woes:

5.President Biden's alternative pay plan for 2024 offers a 5.2% average pay raise, sparking discussions.

Alternative Approach:

6.The National Treasury Employees Union calls for an 8.7% average raise through the FAIR Act to address the growing pay gap.

White Lightning
White Lightning

Advocacy for More:

7.Closing the wage gap would require a substantial $22 billion investment, according to recent estimates.

Costly Gap Closure:

Orange Lightning